Monday, March 21, 2011

The Super Moon 3-20-2011

The Perigee moon appeared much larger and
brighter. It is the closest it has been to the Earth
in 18 years. It is at it's fullest.
It is called a Super Moon.
This will not be seen again for about another 18 years.
It was so awesome. I can't wait to see it again then.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

My Pictures of The Elk in Boxley Valley, Arkansas

In the depth of winter I learned that there was in me an Invincible Spring.

Winter to me is Not a bad word, but instead, it is a chance to relish a beauty found only during this season.
It begins as we embrace Autumn, which is a "second spring where every colorful leaf is a flower”
The flora of Winter is as beautiful and diverse as any other season. Mums, pumpkins, gardens filled with green tops of tubars and root vegetables, the vivid green of Evergreen against a backdrop of sleeping trees with bare limbs.
And when the snow falls and ice forms into elongated spheres, I smile with contentment at the beauty that only God could create in a World that is awake instead of asleep and hibernating.
Snowflakes are winter's butterflies.
I read a quote, but do not know from whom it came.
“To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring.”

Eddie and I took a Day-Trip to Boxley Valley , Arkansas to see the Elk. The drive to and from there was an everchanging painters canvas. It rained, the sun shone, we drove through the clouds as we topped mountain peaks, the colors of the leaves and foliage ranged from subtle yellows to firey oranges, the sun glimmered through puffy, cottony white clouds, the Elk were burly and their winter coats were becoming shaggy and thick, and at the close of the day and our trip, the sunset was an explosion of burning orange, vivid yellows, and glazing purples.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Surprise Parties

Where Did Eight Months Go?

Whoa!!! It is August 24th. Where did the past 8 months go since I last posted anything here?

Well, it's easy to recap the months gone by when you don't have a whole lot going on. Let's see. All of my grandchildren, except for one, has had a birthday. The one who hasn't had his just before my last post in December.
We had 'Surprise' birthday parties for the 3 boys in April, June & July.
No Party for the girl. :( She was so busy all summer with Church camps, Church Bible Schools, Church functions, and Friends. I did, however, take her especially to get icecream, and I called her birthday in on our local radio station, and she won a birthday cake and Yarnell's icecream. So, hopefully that made up for no surprise party.

Summer 2010 has been, almost, unbearably HOT. 100 - 105/105+ actual degrees for days and days and days. I don't know how many. More than a week I know. It kept me inside and so Thankful for airconditioning.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas 2009 Memories at the Hewitt's

Is there any better gift than the celebration of Life, Love, Family, and Jesus Christ???

We should celebrate the Birth, Death and Resurrection every day, not just once a year at a time Man, not God, chose to set aside a day to celebrate.

I pray that everyone continues to be the person they become during the Holiday Season, when they are kind, considerant, helpful, loving and giving.